UCP-318-90M (DFH) | 7B737992 | 737992

Наименование: UCP-318-90M (DFH) | 7B737992 | 737992
Производитель: ABB
Картинки описания: 7B737992

General Information
Global Commercial Alias:
Product ID:
ABB Type Designation:
Ball Bearings
Catalog Description:
UCP-318-90M (DFH)
Additional Information
ABB Type Designation:
Ball Bearings
Catalog Description:
UCP-318-90M (DFH)
Country of Origin:
United States (US)
Customs Tariff Number:
Gross Weight:
0.005 kg
Invoice Description:
UCP-318-90M (DFH)
Made To Order:
Minimum Order Quantity:
1.000 piece
Order Multiple:
1.000 piece
Product Name:
Mounted Bearings
Product Net Weight:
0.005 kg
Quote Only:
Selling Unit of Measure:
Stocked At (Warehouses):
Baldor Bristol W91B
Baldor Munich 5050
Baldor Singapore 93A
Baldor Shanghai 88A
Baldor Fort Smith 00A
Baldor Crossville 00C

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